After Hours Contact Details

For our existing patients and patients needing to contact the dentist following any surgical procedures please use the following number:

After hours for new patients: there is no formal cover. You will need to look up your nearest after hours dentists.


For an accident after hours, or during the day if you are unable to get into a dental clinic, then please go straight to the hospital Emergency Department.

It is important that you seek help immediately if you have an avulsed tooth (knocked a whole tooth out).

Weekend Emergency Number

The weekend emergency number is 027 683 0679 and is available from 5pm Friday to 5pm Sunday.

For existing QE2 Dental patients, please try the dentists' telephone numbers above for advice.

Hours this week

Day Hours
March 31, Mon 9am-5pm
April 1, Tue 9am-5pm
April 2, Wed 9am-7pm
April 3, Thu 9am-5pm
April 4, Fri 9am-4pm
April 5, Sat Closed
April 6, Sun Closed